A Bonita Process started by a Robotic Process Automation System (Power Automate)

In order to start an order handling process, you need to provide the order data (customer, ordered items, etc.). In this example, these data are provided in Excel sheets. In order to avoid the tiresome task of capturing the data manually, an RPA-System (Robotic Process Automation) is used. An RPA bot reads the order data from a provided Excel file, logs into Bonita, hands over the order data and triggers the process. 

I am using the free version of Microsoft Power Automate Desktop as RPA system.

A while ago I had implemented this scenario using UIPath. However, due to changes in UIPath it doesn't run anymore on UIPath. Power Automate Desktop is a bit more lightweight and therefore well suited for playing around with RPA.



Repository URL : https://www.kurze-prozesse.de/2024/02/21/bpmn-in-action-an-rpa-bot-starts-a-process/
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