Plan Do Check Act example

Hey All,

Im looking for an example and cant believe this functionality is not requested by endusers or developers before.
I would like to have a PDCA loop.

This loop is used to PLAN actions in a table, assign the actions to users (DO via tasks) with a deadline.
If all assigned tasks are done or deadline is passed it will go back to the CHECK

At check you can determine to stop or continue to PLAN, where the loop starts again.

I`m a beginner in bonita and based on the examples in the project (assign to user and multi-instatiated-example) did not provide sufficient documentation/functionality to make this. these examples are more focussing on 1 task for multiple users.

Could somebody make a quick example that i can workout, i will share it in the projects. If you could share some code in the project right away it would be best ofcourse.



You’re describing a process but you’re requesting a functionality. Bonita studio is a tool which allows you to develop your own process using BPMN and this is what you’re trying to do. So the functionality is here.

Since Bonita is using BPMN, you should first work on paper and discover what is possible to do with this notation (Deadline timer …). When you finished your process, implements it with Bonita studio. This is the best way to develop your own process imo. Beginner with Bonita means also beginner with BPMN.

HI florian,

I understand your comment.
Beginner Bonita != Beginner BPM, i have been using Tibco Business Studio for 3 years.
So i know how to write my process in BPMN style.

This post was ment do discribe functionality because i`m looking for a process. I find it strange that nobody (altough many of us use scrum as a methode) has build this process before.

Anyway I would love to create my process and share it but i need some (g-scripting) help in splitsing 1 (plan) task into multiple (do) tasks with deadline.

ANY example is welcome!


Ok, i understand your problem now.
I think you can do a multi instantied task. But you’ll need to map your differents actions to each tasks.

  • Create a multiple String variable in your pool
  • In your PLAN form, you can fill this List with your actions.
  • After your PLAN task, add a MultiInstancied-Task DO which will call a subprocess.
  • The first task of your subprocess will be used to attribute action to the subprocess.