Repeat a step of process under condition

Good Morning,

I would like to know,if i want to repeat a step of a process,how can i do it??

i want to repeat a step,while a condition is corrected.

How can i do it??Should i use XOR?If yes,i use a :


                           |------>IF_ARE_NOT_DATA_CORRECT----->REPEAT [Login_step]

How can i do it?

Have a nice day,

Thank in advance


Hello, you should have a look at the Bonita Escape example in Projects

All tasks have multiple submit buttons, each button may have multiple actions. the most important action, each button store a value in a variable, and then, it is possible to select the transition that will be used. You can do that directly on a step, or via a gate, both are available in the example.

I think that you can do the same for testing if your step has to be done again. However, this is not the best recommanded by BPMN.

The second way to do that in Bonita BPM is to use "standard loop tasks". You can select any task and transform it to a loop task, please look at the screenshot:

Of course, you will have to set the conditions for the loop. Please let me know if it helps you.


You can use a task with a loop.In the loop you can set up the condition to finish the loop and a max number of loops. You have to setup this from Iteration menu

[SPANISH] Puedes usar una tarea con un bucle. Los bucles van a validarse tras cada iteración y evaluar si tiene que salir. Igualmente podrás definir un numero máximo de iteraciones.

Los bucles se definen desde la opcion del menú iteración

hi. i want to ask about using a standard loop. How can I store the value in each loop? I’ve tried, but the result shows that only values in first loop is stored.

thanks before.