how do I assign a task to a specific user, and that at the end, it is assigned to another user in particular.
I did a similar Scenario in my Process .
In a particular task, the User was asked to choose a name from a list.
Upon selecting the Particular person , the task would be Allocated to him Only.
You could Return the Name of the Person to whom you want to Assign the task to.
Save the Value inside a Variable ( Process Variable)
Then Assign the next task to that person .
I achieved this by Using a Actor Filter.
Here demandHeads is a Process variable where the name of the Person to whom the task should be assigned is saved .
import org.bonitasoft.engine.api.IdentityAPI;
import org.bonitasoft.engine.identity.User;
IdentityAPI identity = apiAccessor.getIdentityAPI();
User user = identity.getUserByUserName(demandHeads);
return user.getId();
Hope this helps
Can you explain and give more details please? What do you mean by “at the end”: automatic reassignation,…?
Yes, I want is to assign an activity to a user when the user finishes the task, another task is assigned to another user