How to assign task a specific user

Hello community!

I would like to know if it is possible to assign a task to a specific user instead of an actor or to a user that is not defined in the actor, it is known that we can assign a group within the actor and all the people who are in that group can take the task, but if the user is not in that group within the actor is it possible to be assigned the task?

Actually I use Bonita Studio 7.5.4 and Server in the same version.

Are you familiar with Actor Filters? There are standard actor filters to do basic stuff, like assign a task to one specific user, but you can create your own custom actor filter to assign tasks to one or more people based on your own custom logic.

I'm not really familiar with filters but if I had found information about it and found that I could put this in script apiAccessor.identityAPI.getUserByUserName("walter.bates") in the single-user filter but it doesn't work.

Because I have seen that the example mentions that a manager needs to be assigned the task and did not find something that is only a user, I would like to see an example with a single user

If you use the Single user filter (provided by default), your script needs to return the ID of the user you wish to assign the task to.

return apiAccessor.identityAPI.getUserByUserName("walter.bates").getId();

A manager would only be necessary if you want to use the filters relating to managers, for example, "Initiator manager" filter.

Thanks for your answer rtumminelli!

I work by adding what you told me then I need to investigate and practice more with the scripts and filters, for example when  certain conditions are fulfilled assigned to the user who meets the conditions.


No problem.

Good luck Claudia!