After migration business data autoincrement doesnt work (duplicate key)



We tried migrating the bonita database from 7.9 to 7.11, and the migration itself was a success, however every time we try to save data to the database we get primary key duplicate exception. After a few hours of testing i found out that the business database autoincrement is not used, bonita uses some other method for this, and the persistenceId-s started over from 1, and with every attempt it increases this number. After deleting everything in the table the process managed to save the data.

Why could this happen? Did we skip a migration step? 

I only used the migration tool to update the bonita database, and this was the result.

We are using docker version of bonita, we just changed the image from 7.9 to 7.11, and started the continer. With an empy business db everything would work probably, but the point of migration is that we keep those data.



This is a known bug (due to update to Hibernate 5) that has been fixed in Bonita 7.11.3. It only affects databases MySQL and SQL Server after migration to 7.11.0, 7.11.1 or 7.11.2.

When updating (migrating) to a 7.11 version, please update to at least to version 7.11.3. This should fix the problem.

See that indicate bug fix:

  • BR-553 FIX Hibernate sequence after migration

For your understanding, the related 7.11.3 Github commit is

Hope this helps,
