Detail: Key (tenantid, id)=(1, 440556) already exists.

"log":"Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"queriable_log_pkey\"\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2022-03-28T17:51:19.060210888Z"}
{"log":"  Detail: Key (tenantid, id)=(1, 440556) already exists.\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2022-03-28T17:51:19.060220096Z"}


 We have situations where something gets reset on Bonita and the Bonita DB resets the ids back to zero.  After that any login attempts are rejected due to duplicate ids.   Until now, we have been just repeating login tries until ids gets to an unused number and it finally lets us in.   Do you know any fix about it ?  For example, if something happens where ids gets reset, we run a quick script that finds the current maximum ids and start the count from there or something like this.