after starting a task,how can a Pause and resume of task? can be done in bonita 7.1.x

After starting a task (clicking do it), I want to pause my task for sometime and resume the same task, after some time and wish to track how much time the task has been paused after starting the task and before task completion.

E.g. Let us say that it is a painting task that am tracking in Bonita Portal and I want to track how many times the painter has paused painting and resumed the same in a day.This way when the painter says that he had worked for 8 hours, then I also know that how many times he has “paused and resumed” and how much “time” in the painting task he had actually taken a break.

Appreciate your inputs, as to how this can be handled in Bonita 7.1.x

Like is a sub task possible? or can a child task be created and tracked from start to finish of the time task.

Do share any ideas that you may have.

Await your feedback.

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Pausing a process is not really possible in the way you describe and as far as I know is also not possible in many other BPM suites either.

You could use a multi-instantiated sub-task with continues until user selects says the job is done…and then calculate he times of the sub-process…

Something like

Primary Task
set jobComplete = false
execute paintingTask until jobComplete

sub task
User Accept Task
User Clicks Pause Button
Pause Button returns jobComplete = false
and returns to Primary Task

Primary Task sees jobComplete = false
execute paintingTask until jobComplete

sub task
User Accept Task
User Clicks Finished Button
Finished Button returns jobComplete = True
and returns to Primary Task

Primary Task sees jobComplete = True
and continues with following tasks

You can then use the API’s to get the Primary Task ID and search for all Sub Tasks with Parent Task ID = Primary Task ID and work out the timings from there.

Hope that helps,
