App does not display forms

BonitaBPM Community 6.3.0 Studio
BonitaBPM Portal 6.3.1.

I have created an app in Bonita Studio Community that has several simple forms for human tasks. The forms render as expected from BonitaStudio>Run. I then do “Server>Build” to create a .BAR file. When I install the .BAR file to my server portal the forms do not render, just the plan variables. I have confirmed that the form definitions are included in the .BAR file.

See the non-rendered form

Here is the .BAR file with the forms included:


I click on the first link : I arrive on a BonitaPortal login page, but walter.bates can’t connect
I download your bar file, but I can’t deploy it : an error is displayed.

Could you send us the BOS file and give some explanation on the different rendering between the two execution ?
NB : of course, I assume you didn’t deploy any Look And Feel on the server, isn’t ?