Bonita 7.9.4 bugs


I have built bonita from the given link:, and then built bonita-studio to get the macOS version of the app.
On running the app, this is what I see in the GUI.

Data Tab

General Tab

I cannot see any information or fields, neither can I add data.
Is this a bug, or is my installation corrupted?


Hi Abizer,

When I see your screenshots I don’t notice any issue or strange behaviour.

Is it the first time you use Bonita? When you run Bonita Studio for the first time, it will show you this first diagram with a single human task as a kind of getting started.

Here you have 2 options :
- you had never developed any process with Bonita, then you can start with the creation of your Business Data Model by going to "Development" menu and select "Business Data Model/Define".
- you have developed a process with Bonita in an older version, then you will need to export your diagram from your old version and import it in your new Bonita Studio.

If you are just starting with Bonita, I would advise you to follow our getting started tutorial.

I hope my answer was helpful. If that’s the case can you please can you validate it?

I realised my mistake, I was attempting to build bonita on an ec2 ubuntu instance without an X server (I had commented the X server check in the file). The moment I added an X server with vnc, the built app started working normally. Not quite sure if this is the exact reason, but it worked for me.


Hi again Abizer,

I confirm we finally could reproduce your issue on 7.9.4 with my colleague. Therefore we opened and internal bug and updated your issue BBPMC-558 accordingly.

We will keep you posted.

Hey, as you can see from the image, the tabs “General”, “Data”, “Execution” etc are empty and the rendered buttons or data is not shown. Even upon clicking the advanced options button, it does not render anything.
I have used the 7.9.3 downloaded from the Bonita site that works properly, but when I try to build it on my own using the github build techniques, it produces this problem. I hope the problem is clear to you, or do you want me to explain it better?


Hi Abizer,

Actually I tried to reproduce before coming back to you and my Bonita Studio (on a Mac) is running fine. I have also imported a process with data from a BDM and I can see data displayed as with previous versions.

Just an idea : have you clicked in your pool? If you don’t select your pool properties and data variable information are not displayed.

Hi Abizer,

Happy you finally figured out what was wrong and solved it!