Build Documentation

Now that the community build script is no more ( Where is the documentation for building from source? Also, has it been updated or will I lose my mind trying to decipher months of work?

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I haven't tried it myself but they have the instructions here:

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Hopefully will be a new user for the platform - I have got a Ubuntu 24.04 LTS VM running with all the dependencies I can think of installing, 

I get the build for Bonita Studio failing at:

[WARNING] The requested profile "all-in-one" could not be activated because it does not exist.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.6.1:copy (Retrieve business data model repository app) on project Unable to find/resolve artifact.: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.bonitasoft.web:bonita-data-repository:zip:linux-x64:1.0.0 (absent): Could not find artifact org.bonitasoft.web:bonita-data-repository:zip:linux-x64:1.0.0 in central ( -> [Help 1]

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

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A few things about this... Make sure you are switching to a branch and watch the Java version associated with the branch. Then before you even build this package you need to have build most (if not all) the others. Especially the Data Repository (that ends with 10.0.0.W50... looks like it hasn't been updated to 10.1.0xxx or and the Bonita Distrib build. You will need the artifacts in the Maven local repo to even consider building this one. I'm working on a script that I'll push to Github in a few days. It's a royal pain to accomplish any of this. Everything is so dependent and no doc shows the matrix of it all. Sorry... I'm typing hast and need to run. Hopefully, it all makes sense. 

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