I am unable to build bonita studio from source code

I am trying to build studio from code but it’s giving error to missing dependencies. At first it gave repository error for http://repositories.rd.lan/p2/7.7 this link, which is dead. Then i found http://update-site.bonitasoft.com/p2/7.7 this link and changed it and it worked. But after i started to build it gives me dependency missing error which is odd because the dependency that is missing should be compiled with bonita studio. I tried a couple of things to compile dependency but i couldn’t manage to do it.

This is the error i get:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project org.bonitasoft.studio.console.libs: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.bonitasoft.studio.bundles.plugins:org.bonitasoft.studio.console.libs:eclipse-plugin:7.7.5: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.bonitasoft.web:theme-builder:jar:1.1.0, org.bonitasoft.forms:forms-server:jar:7.7.5, org.bonitasoft.forms:forms-model:jar:7.7.5, org.bonitasoft.forms:forms-rpc:jar:7.7.5, org.bonitasoft.console:console-server:jar:classes:7.7.5, org.bonitasoft.console:console-common:jar:7.7.5: Failure to find org.bonitasoft.web:theme-builder:jar:1.1.0 in https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/DependencyResolutionException
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :org.bonitasoft.studio.console.libs

[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Bonita Studio ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.106 s]
[INFO] patched-plugins .................................... SUCCESS [  0.005 s]
[INFO] org.eclipse.emf.edapt.migration .................... SUCCESS [  2.011 s]
[INFO] org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.tabbed ............. SUCCESS [  0.590 s]
[INFO] org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.lite.svg ................... SUCCESS [  0.319 s]
[INFO] platform ........................................... SUCCESS [  0.164 s]
[INFO] tests-dependencies ................................. SUCCESS [  0.009 s]
[INFO] assertj-core ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.092 s]
[INFO] org.mockito ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.120 s]
[INFO] org.eclipse.swtbot.finder.nebula.tableCombo ........ SUCCESS [  0.321 s]
[INFO] tests-dependencies-feature ......................... SUCCESS [  0.687 s]
[INFO] bundles ............................................ SUCCESS [  0.005 s]
[INFO] Bonita BPM Studio Community Plugins ................ SUCCESS [  0.209 s]
[INFO] org.bonitasoft.studio-models ....................... SUCCESS [  0.172 s]
[INFO] org.bonitasoft.studio.pics ......................... SUCCESS [  0.671 s]
[INFO] org.bonitasoft.studio.model ........................ SUCCESS [  2.578 s]
[INFO] org.bonitasoft.studio.model.edit ................... SUCCESS [  1.183 s]
[INFO] org.bonitasoft.studio.console.libs ................. FAILURE [  0.075 s]
[INFO] org.bonitasoft.studio.tests-utils .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] org.bonitasoft.studio.connectors.model ............. SKIPPED
[INFO] org.bonitasoft.studio.common ....................... SKIPPED
[INFO] org.bonitasoft.studio.migration .................... SKIPPED
[INFO] org.bonitasoft.studio.common.repository ............ SKIPPED
[INFO] org.bonitasoft.studio.groovy ....................... SKIPPED
[INFO] org.bonitasoft.studio.model.edit.custom ............ SKIPPED
[INFO] org.bonitasoft.studio.refactoring .................. SKIPPED
[INFO] org.bonitasoft.studio.common.diagram ............... SKIPPED
[INFO] org.bonitasoft.studio.dependencies ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Resolving class path of MavenProject: org.bonitasoft.studio.bundles.plugins:org.bonitasoft.studio.diagram.form.custom:7.7.5 @ /home/btm/bonita-studio-7.7.5/bundles/plugins/org.bonitasoft.studio.diagram.form.custom/pom.xml
[INFO] Computing target platform for MavenProject: org.bonitasoft.studio.bundles.plugins:org.bonitasoft.studio.diagram.form.properties:7.7.5 @ /home/btm/bonita-studio-7.7.5/bundles/plugins/org.bonitasoft.studio.diagram.form.properties/pom.xml
[INFO] Resolving dependencies of MavenProject: org.bonitasoft.studio.bundles.plugins:org.bonitasoft.studio.diagram.form.properties:7.7.5 @ /home/btm/bonita-studio-7.7.5/bundles/plugins/org.bonitasoft.studio.diagram.form.properties/pom.xml
[INFO] {osgi.os=linux, osgi.ws=gtk, org.eclipse.update.install.features=true, osgi.arch=x86_64}
[ERROR] Cannot resolve project dependencies:
[ERROR]   Software being installed: org.bonitasoft.studio.diagram.form.properties 7.7.5
[ERROR]   Missing requirement: org.bonitasoft.studio.diagram.form.properties 7.7.5 requires 'bundle org.bonitasoft.studio.application 1.0.0' but it could not be found
[ERROR] See http://wiki.eclipse.org/Tycho/Dependency_Resolution_Troubleshooting for help.
[ERROR] Cannot resolve dependencies of MavenProject: org.bonitasoft.studio.bundles.plugins:org.bonitasoft.studio.diagram.form.properties:7.7.5 @ /home/btm/bonita-studio-7.7.5/bundles/plugins/org.bonitasoft.studio.diagram.form.properties/pom.xml: See log for details -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MavenExecutionException

You need to build all the stack below the Studio in order to build it:
all connectors…etc

We have a dedicated repo to help you doing so.

Good catch! It may have been introduced recently, could you create an issue on the bug tracker ?

The issue in Jira is available here: https://bonita.atlassian.net/browse/BBPMC-541

The build script has been updated for version 7.7.5: https://github.com/Bonitasoft-Community/Build-Bonita/tree/7.7.5