Associate more than one group to a user

Hi guys,

I am currently testing BonitaSoft 6.2 features.

Let take a concrete case:

I have user1 manager of team1 and user2 manager of team2.

By default, I want user1 to be able to access only processes relative to team1.

Suppose User2 is going on holidays for 1 week, I want to allow user1 to act on team2 processes.

Is it possible to do this with 6.2?






Hi Johann

There is no out of box substitution feature in Bonita BPM 6.2 but you can mage it using an adeguate actor filter.

Let me explain with a real use case:

  • user1 is the manager of group1 so he has the rights to approve all the purchase orders coming from his managed group
  • user2 has the same roles for group2
  • user1 decide to get holiday for incoming two weeks. he can update information about in doesn't matter source (you can manage it using a new Bonita process calling it Substitution that can allow every user manage their own holiday planning)
  • your custom actor filter would retrieve information about substitution from this source and re-assign the task to user2. Don't forget that via API you can force re-execution of actor filter, it means that you can re-assign also task already instatiated.
  • User1 could manage his substitution period: can delay it, delate, enlarge...

You can easily provide information about task assigned to users belonged to a team manager using API. You can develop a form using Bonita Form Builder where show a list of task. Below an example how retrieve user managed by user1

SearchOptionsBuilder searchOptionsBuilder = new SearchOptionsBuilder(0, 1000);
searchOptionsBuilder.filter(UserSearchDescriptor.MANAGER_USER_ID, user1.getId());
SearchResult<User> listTeamMembers = apiAccessor.identityAPI.searchUsers(searchOptionsBuilder.done());

Hope it can help you.

let me know
