Behind the scenes with Bonita (11-17 April)

Dear community,

The development work “Behind the Scenes” of Bonita Open Solution is paying off in some interesting ways!

We received the Eclipse Community Award for Best Modeling Tool. The Happy Penguin (Open Innovation Award 2009) and our mascot @Barbie__Bonita seem a little…jealous…of the new arrival.

Nice, too, to be the subject of Bruce Silver’s appreciation. Three Cheers for BonitaSoft – we’re ahead of the pack in incorporating the BPMN2 standard.

The Latest from R&D

We’re not really celebrating our award…we’re celebrating the arrival of barbecue weather.

How many software developers does it take to grill a steak?

OMG it’s on fire!

Gotta have a game of petanque.

Recent contributions

Nice new extension from community member andrewt in the Contribution corner:

Active Directory Member Resolver – Connector for use on LDAP. Resolves each group member’s ‘saMAccountName’ attribute individually via their DN.

Do you have a pattern, connector or a process to share? Upload it to the Bonita Community.

Welcome to the open source BPM community

Welcome to our new community members:

ruy; alex_djand; hadinsu; kersit.ensias; toumtam; magzupao; Avais; ryan.boydston; ghuber; klastereq; zobozobel; kdr; nhannguyen;; gagamel; rmarins; CaptainSlock; andy62; kumarss; jjimenez; ftcoral; anierbeck; savoy; gechols; antinkatu; RemyBoussant; rekhareflection; dbuchalter; adrian; wasimsadiq; Markijohnson515; patricklei; rburg; j.slengman; Abbass; Kristina; fran; allecask; jessicafox; stembi; rudy; djtale; mzanguim; pagmat; pcpluskr; UpeshMaharjan; cleininger; JuanAntonioPérezGarcía; francis; nicolas.n; MiguelFuentes; roujul; mehrnaz; morpheusmy; pkalamajski; Cyril; icarrara; opichon; jvkampen; arnis; cseary; petteri-m; TommyYin; val1900; ifabregues; charlesbenassaya; vmtz2a; sarah4u;; Guica; pdeclarens; xescuder; cr8; raulh; taylork; balzag; munish.mehta; maris; tttamer; jeff.lowcock; aquirgo; kpbrown; pedro.c.silva; pierre.levert; jofejeva; pbailadeira; JGoncalves; JGodinho

Not a community member yet? Join us.

They're blogging about us

Bruce Silver at BPMS Watch gives BonitaSoft Three Cheers.

Adam Dean at Business Process and Workflow gives us a shoutout for the Eclipse Foundation Award for Best Modeling Tool.

Sameh Attia names Bonita Open Solution as one of his 63 Top Commercial Open Source Projects. Wait, commercial open source? “Why put together a list of commercial open source projects at all?…many companies want reliable support and maintenance for their software and are willing to pay for it.” An interesting list, as it highlights the overlap between “open source” and “commercial.”

Let us know if you see Bonita in the blogosphere.

They’re tweeting about us

@editeurweb; @skemsley; @Tedesign; @GroupeSmile; @Smile_Training; @gt_ll; @techsnoop; @bpm_composition; @juliebhunt; @pelujan; @bpmswatch; @chantaly; @benjmestrallet; @charoy; @dibyanandmca; @tgrall ; @Ventech_VC; @sfermigier; @chicano; @mehmetsinan; @cascella_; @animuscrm; @fjavier_rm; @kellyrigotti; @bpmchile; @baselogic; @zubairov; @mgreiler; @FOSSwiki; @anielson; @sanoojk; @Ynakos

Keep a-twitterin’. We appreciate it!

Our hash tags: #bos5 = Bonita Open Solution 5, #bonitasoft, #bpm = business process management, #workflow , #opensource = Open Source, #oss = Open Source Software, #ow2

Three cheers for the Bonita community!