Dear community,
Bonita Open Solution 5.0 has been nominated for an Eclipse Technology Award in the Best RCP Application category! To support us in the Eclipse community, vote for Bonita Open Solution in the Eclipse marketplace. Help us move from the second top favorite application to first place by logging in and voting.
The winners of the Eclipse Technology Awards will be announced in March during EclipseCon 2010.
Community contributions
The community Contributions section is open. Come share your extensions, processes, connectors and other elegant solutions. Currently 2 connectors are available: for Twitter and for an RSS Reader.It’s cool, Bonita Open Solution speaks Spanish now, thanks to our community contributor Pigbar. He earned a BonitaSoft mug. Thanks PigBar and enjoy your coffee break with your new, pretty mug.
Live from R&D
The R&D team really focused on the Bonita Open Solution 5.0 release. They succeeded and the release was delivered on time!!! Thanks to Nespresso and Coca Cola for fueling the team.If you missed Bonita Day, you can see it again here.
What useful suggestions do you have to improve Bonita?
Welcome to the open source BPM community
The Business Process Management community grows. We are more than 400 members. When do you think we will pass 1,000?We are pleased to welcome:
Sherine, yodogi, DEX, ouattaradro, Jean-Pierre Leroy, all-for-science, ASA_raymond, eitan, vondino, Belaygues, cousin.ube, RebecaBrasil, lpignedoli, leapy, jsteinfo, durrer, lgml, Loic Gudet, nvr, elizamark, ASA_Master, chingdimags, LauDai, morze, frangelli, keshavsharma1982, michel.sauty, pin, naima177, Roc, megagem, stevenryck, thanamjeyan, carrascoMDDsl, genildof, jrsendra, jboulay, daterousco, Magnus, Grafema, eric, zhaoy@ysu, laurent, amolondhe, ranegade, deleskij, kobe111, rmishler, mpires, e.laurent, Marios585, sanmiguelsis, dokorking, asrdjan, bmuangkhot, Kreis, colibri, orin.sauvageot, Borik, RamonMata, nfrankel, acastelao, cpotter, smellinas, Victor, pirocho, LukeSkyPator, smernesto, anteos, a.pecherin, glairloup, yeboabe, bhericher, Roberto Morales, higaxman, xavio, jhowells, cfotis, L2T, mia.tamro, jlipp, gholler, andrew.koltyakov, mimilie203, fcanneviere, dfcaicedot, daymon1, Stardust, antenor, wesleyfraser, Luiz Loja, adsaman, ardaaydin, Irvoas, Ned-weber, yfabrego, laransae, nina, davidmr_001, orjuelaca, tanja, pbirri, jcjunior, batman64, elbissat, iyusuf, Emmaco4j, kharesam, Riviere, jeessy, rafiki.rssi, lixiaodong, sebwol, Mohamed Kamel Ben Hariz, yubingzhong, Ingo, rmglez, Benoit MORIN, jlbessonnet, IsmaeelHassen, ziller, integrators
Not yet a Bonita community member? Join us.
They're blogging about us
Brian Gentile (Chief Executive Officer of Jaspersoft): Prediction for 2010 #4: New Leadership in Open SourcePatrick Nerden (Smile) : Bonita, BPM for human beings ! (in french)
John Reynolds (BPM Solutions Architect and Mentor at Lombardi, an IBM Company) : Bonitasoft - BPM Game Changer?
Loic Bocher (from all about bpm): Bonitasoft a annoncé mercredi 26 janvier 2010 la sortie de Bonita Open Solution 5.0, version majeure de l’éditeur Open Source (in french)
They're tweeting about us
Tweet of the week: "Just tried out the Bonitasoft 5.0 Open source BPM tool - The modeling environment was better than I expected." from @minibloggingbonitasoft, rodrigue, Scratsh, chilcano, pcoffre, miguelvaldes, israelsantiago, untsamphan, jjcoellov, talend, tschivo, charoy, jeromevadon, bpmredux, FOSSwiki, skemsley, yuroops, csouillard, ydemontcheuil, olivierdelcroix, JBezivin, leknarm, softmodeling, alextoussaint, Sphax, onoffre, LudoMP, CondeBond, jplaisne, webdeux, NewsGeeks, geekbooster, tintin56, catch_down, zabzabat, TOP10SEO, untsamphan, Tedesign, StephanieBonnet, kahotep, oshero, TheBPMNetwork, cube_ice, TheTechGang, alpesjug, caostheory, JeffSinason, esdaniel, skemsley, vtri, sfrancisatx, RobrechtSiera, moumsinette, heiseonlineuk, honlinenews, lucrocha, badkarmacore, pirocho, roxannevarza, EMVInforamtique, babgi, albinserviant, TheRemixCulture, GildasBuzzpress, vieuxloup, jmgall, allaboutbpm, xdjwise, passion4process, CFOnews, tiago_simoes, andrevieira, rodrigogpgb, jeremylipp, chiraqi, bpmcommunity, sfrancisatx, daligoldtweetz, thcho, arisbourg, leknarm, bpmredux, XWiki, iporsut, bpmchannel, nenshad, pascalbousquet, miniblogging, ProcessTheory
Our hash tags : #bos5 = Bonita Open Solution 5 , #bonitasoft , #bpm = business process management, #workflow , #opensource = Open Source, #oss = Open Source Software, #ow2
Follow us : @bonitasoft, @bpmcommunity
Are you tweeting about Business Process Management and/or Bonita? Let us know by using #bos5.
Help us improve Behind the Scenes with Bonita
This is our 11th edition of Behind the Scenes with Bonita. What would you like to see in the next edition?Give us your ideas by commenting to this post. The best suggestion gets a mug.
And remember: se bonita, be Bonita.