Behind the Scenes with Bonita #26 (25 -> 31 Oct 2010)

Dear community,

Congratulations to the BonitaSoft Process Challenge winners chamel, vondino, and pigbar! And thanks to all who participated.

And hey, here’s still a BonitaSoft mug to give away for the month of October. Nominate a fellow Forum member. Who’s been especially helpful this month?

The Latest from R&D

Two Bonita Studio developers will be at EclipseSummit 2010, 2-4 Nov: Mickael Istria and Aurelien Pupier. If you'll be there too, stop by and say hi.

While BOS5.3 was being released last week, work was already started on BOS 5.3.1 AND BOS 5.4. Bug stomping (tricks), and feature building (treats) for Halloween.


Just one new contribution this past week:

Generic Approval Process: takes the User’s email address from the User Profile in UserXP and at the Step "Approve or Reject," sends an email response to the requestor

We've got over a hundred contributions from the community shared here. Nice.

Welcome to the open source BPM community

Nice to have you on board:

achel; richardg; tomfc; emiplegie; bpascuito;; mmenot; djamel; lvign; marquez; dodo4rs; bertoni_matias;; marcos.sousa; jichangwei; lifeboat; ivoshm; aykargil; MatsB; antaresx; pcalderonr; skurfuerst; lemartva; edalna; jeep89; miknorr; xavic99; EDSONRUEDA; rscott; willygold; entwistletx; the_maun; abdelak; pfischer; Adrod; idfi; kandjelko; lienad; cmauri; swagat; neha; sche4; bart69; richglad; sioetseib; fbolivar; yehegovi45; trdeepak; gazaz; Ojinaso; Rhaimi; urrser; asarbolec; robertshah; GermanS; florenceluk; tissaigna; mmaaggii; pavaji; philphilardy; cwil; machliang; bmjsmith; Ragonzato; dbetanc; danielcastillo; thorsten_heller; enablus; jmzyg; palmharb; zawadzak; Beyney; jamesp; teguh; dutsik; sun.tzu8; AnaMan; netnovation; utkarsh; dfumento; mbyjaxate; eduardomacan;; Roman; achied; knowlesbob;; plouf56; erosbuffo; sv; Chufu.Lv; agawish; hezamwa; maheshsingh; trozman; mslomp; yannick.ameur; dniemchi

Not a community member yet? Join us.

They’re blogging about us

TechCrunch (EU and US edition), Rising Open Source BPM Company BonitaSoft Now Has Offices in Oracle's Backyard

JavaLobby DZone, Open Source BPM: An Interview With the BonitaSoft CEO

CMS Wire, Open Source Business Process Management is a Growing U.S. Market

451 CAOS Theory, Open Source keeping fueling global exchange

Have you spotted Bonita in the blogosphere? Are you blogging about Business Process Management and/or Bonita? Let us know so we can rebroadcast you in our blog or in our tweets.

They’re tweeting about us

Thanks for tweeting and retweeting about BOS5.3 and BonitaSoft news...

@AjitJoakar; @charlvyn; @parseplz; @charoy; @MalwareReport; @Myaltop_mayall; @lpezunwired; @Lokesshh; @almucarazon; @sleekvid; @capotribu; @StartupJobsEU; @techkaoriz2; @kevinbarnes; @youen_chene; @MarcoBrambi; @FOSSwiki; @cyril_lakech; @openfeed; @tudor_t; @wowwowza; @skemsley; @tomypaul; @nagajunds; @Tech_Essentials; @thenewslist; @Joyce_Brooks; @neilws; @osterg; @corentinpb; @cheezo; @Pramod_Pathak; @benjmestrallet; @Ibois; @by_steorfan; @debri_s; @pradeepy91; @chantaly; @IanSkerrett; @LolCrunch; @scaphe; @kumsnetwork; @laura_robinson; @Arthur_Bennett; @Harold_White; @ArsMashableTC; @techkaoriz1; @tehtechinfo; @gabmichelle; @evolanakis; @avelgornog; @kellyrigotti; @macaia; @vtri; @sergio_grisa; @xala3pa; @cdemulder; @Joe_Craig; @xavroy; @AmericasDigital; @PRNTech; @Eqtisad; @economiaespana; @6sigmait; @phpprogramming; @eriktebet; @SoftwareLibre; @Ventech_VC; @moumsinette; @tgrall; @mickaeltr; @neilwd; @pigbar; @nieuwbourg; @eventosabiertos; @kapeos; @eduardomacan; @johnnyvartiaine; @thenewshounds; @helioloureiro; @MarcTillmann; @adam_deane; @mattcoolidge; @odarnley; @toolinux; @RONY5348; @interobslinfr; @lifeboat1; @jagnola; @bricerevenant; @al_aide_tech; @WindowsAzureFR; @Alfonso_Castro; @benb3342; @teamblog; @questetra; @lontchi; @BrianG_Jasper; @phaneeshn; @JedJdsm; @phaneeshn; @mondeinforatiq; @ordicaDepanne; @grenobletrejos; @matt_L; @entwistletx; @MrMacvos; @guiding_link; @scaphe; @abbhadlaw; @johnsgreader; @rlaksana; @IMRI77

Our hash tags: #bos5 = Bonita Open Solution 5, #bonitasoft, #bpm = business process management, #workflow , #opensource = Open Source, #oss = Open Source Software, #ow2

Happy Halloween with Booooooooooonita!