Behind the Scenes with Bonita #5 (23 November -> 29 November 2009 )

This week, the R&D team worked like crazy to release a new version of Bonita Open Solution: the “M5”. Like the similarly named BMW, this release is a powerful vehicle that includes 3 great new features: the groovy editor, the connector wizard and the form editor. And this is only a milestone on the way to the final version.

The Bonita Open Solution v5 “M5” will be available this week to download for test drivers.

BonitaSoft launched its French web site :

The BonitaSoft Community Team hopes our American members had a Happy Thanksgiving holiday.

Development highlights

0000751 settings: url of the dedicated applications 0000813 Subprocesses handling in the forms application 0000812 integrate steps of subprocess instances into the parent instance 0000806 remove iframes from the form application 0000805 Support attached documents 0000804 Adapt the size of the frame to the form's size in the console 0000803 Display the group/candidates for a task on the step form screen 0000802 JSP login screen 0000766 ConnectorDescriptor API 0000765 Java data type 0000762 Stats / report page - user 0000758 settings management 0000757 Bug su-process on system task 0000756 data update 0000755 improve requests on engine 0000754 display the priority on tasks 0000753 label widget - allow a user to rename a label 0000750 let the user choose the default widget to display for Stats 0000736 Connectors at process level 0000735 Tasks Connectors 0000734 Execution time Tasks 0000732 Groovy Connector 0000731 Shell Connector 0000730 Task priority 0000543 Talend Connector 0000523 Create shortcuts into all-in-one root folder 0000449 Convenient methods to display a todolist 0000833 Fix the subprocess selection in the subprocess activity 0000828 Connector WIzard Inconsistent after "previous" operations 0000826 Ensure that new process have their version matching the product version 0000822 Support output parameters on connector wizards 0000814 Add ability to export a non-executable process 0000811 Studio totally crashes from times to times... 0000810 Add ability to use expression inputs for ALL widgets 0000809 Add ability to update a group from a task 0000808 Clase all opened editor when closing application 0000807 Include a default configuration for the logs of the UE in the Studio 0000801 Select classpath items to include when deploying/exporting 0000800 Attached Docs 0000799 Bug when modifying a text and switching process 0000798 Support parameters for subprocess 0000796 Save all 0000795 Priority on tasks 0000794 Up/Down on connector list 0000793 Default process naming 0000792 Add a message to explain what is the generated name 0000791 Task execution time 0000788 Repository management 0000785 Deadlines definition 0000781 Provide a simple Repository 0000778 Ceate connector wizard 0000776 Definition of multi-instantiation with wizard graphique + skeleton 0000770 Groovy Editor 0000769 Enable snap to geometry on creation tool 0000768 Reduce database tables 0000764 DB Metric tool 0000763 unread message count per label 0000759 Output parameters on connectors 0000749 Preview of html from studio form design 0000748 Generate HTML from design on the diagram 0000747 Use gridlayout for the forms 0000746 Associate a CSS class to each customisable element 0000745 Associate action to the output of a button 0000744 Choose lib to include in the generated war 0000743 Attached documentation 0000742 Default validators 0000741 Can skip an activity 0000740 Improve reuse of forms 0000739 Internationalize forms 0000738 Groovy expressions with default value of variables 0000737 Deadline parameters 0000733 APIs needed by Console 0000704 List layout issues when reopening diagram 0000635 Continuous Integration Tests on form diagram 0000573 When deleting a referenced element (group, data...), references must be deleted too 0000567 Align items on welcome page. 0000257 Add an SMTP server to Continuous Integration

Live from R&D

As we said, the R&D team worked hard to release the M5 version. So this week was dedicated to stabilizing. The R&D team played all week with Bonita Open Solution and has created a bunch of example processes - some almost real, some pretty funny. These processes will be soon available in this blog. Stay tuned.

What other useful suggestions do you have to improve Bonita?

Welcome to the open source BPM community

We are pleased to welcome:

Carlos, Thomas Matzner, ete94, Jordi, Vimalraj M, cmcm5375, liao1108, silmara, erbru, JoTeam, al1radix, jr, cluxford, gsuivre, smart999

Not yet a Bonita community member? Join us.

They're blogging about us

Intelli'n tv : this blog dedicated a video to BonitaSoft. See our Spanish CEO talking about Bonita Open Solution in French!

Are you blogging about Business Process Management and/or Bonita? Tell us in the comments, so we can link it.

They're tweeting about us

rodrigue, miguelvaldes, bonitasoft, esdaniel, FOSSwiki, jplaisne, Tedesign, awbc, benjmestrallet, charoy, tgrall, Bizsparkfr, sessid, vtri, nightcomeson, toolinux, ActuNumerique, ydemontcheuil, al_aide, bpmchannel, pcoffre, Letouilleur, talend, allaboutbpm

Our hash tags : #bos5 = Bonita Open Solution 5 , #bonitasoft , #bpm = business process management, #workflow , #opensource = Open Source, #oss = Open Source Software, #ow2

Are you tweeting about Business Process Management and/or Bonita? Let us know by using #bos5.

Help us improve Behind the Scenes with Bonita

This is our fifth edition of Behind the Scenes with Bonita. What would you like to see in the next edition?

Give us your ideas by commenting to this post. The best suggestion gets a link in a future newsletter.

And remember: have fun with Bonita in any language. (What else?)