bonita 6.2 connect to database

I have a grails application. How do I configure, it to connect to bonita database from the application so I can query some of the bonita tables ?

this is what i have, and it does not seem to work.

driverClassName = "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect dbCreate = "validate" pooled = true url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:bonita"
username = "bonita"

password = “bonita”

It is suggested not to query the Bonita database directly. The better approach is call Bonita REST API from your Grails application and you should be able to fetch most of the Case data that you may be looking for.

This is only the assignment of variables. Where is your connection code?

Your code if effectively doing nothing…

Have a look at as an example…