Hi everyone:
I’m looking for a suitable way to add multi-instanciated fields to my forms using the community edition; this has nice support in subscription versions but isn’t available in the community edition.
I’ve tried using a loop over a step but isn’t user friendly, I’d like to show the “add / remove” buttons in a file widget list, for example. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Any suggestions? I’ve the same issue!
In community you have only one choice…
in HTML Widget just build the HTML and use JavaScript etc., if you know how to use the browser debugger you will be able to copy the bonita generated code and create your own with add/remove buttons.
Note you will then have to use JavaScript and JQuery and REST to send the data back the the real Bonita variables…
Been experimenting with this recently…
see post… http://community.bonitasoft.com//answers/where-use-javascript-html-widget#comment-38851 for the basics of how to do it.
If you just need to multi-instantiate a text field, you can use a editable grid with only one column.
Like this you can add/remove line and edit the content.
In the output, you need to transform the List<List> into a List. To do that you can iterate on the output and add the first value of each line into a List.
If you want to multi-instantiate another type of widget you need to use Sean McP’s solution.
This is a comment not an answer, it should be in the above section under “Add a Comment”
Sorry for being pedantic.
There is another way to do this, not exactly nice but definitely possible.
Add the maximum number of Document Widgets to a form you know will occur all with a Hidden Attribute.
Add a Simple button (Add) that calls a JavaScript to unhide the next one available,