Hello everybody.
I was trying to upload a file into Alfresco, but nothing works for me. I used Alfresco Connector 4.2.
Does anybody know if there is a bug with this connector??? or is necessary to use CMIS connector ???
Where can I find an example with Bonita 6.1.1 or 6.2.1???
I´m looking for this months ago but there is no much information about it, specially with this version of bonita 6.1.1 or 6.2.1.
I really need help… Please!!!
You don’t not say what version of Afresco you are using…what are you using?
If you are using 5 it will not work with those connectors, and the CMIS connectors seem to be difficult to use.
The connectors with BonitaSoft are only at this level (4.2) and unless you write ones suitable for 5.x, no-one seems to support their interaction. Part of the problem could be that Afresco also have a BPM suite now and could be seen as a competitor.
Personally I wish BonitaSoft would support this interface as there are many that want to do this and it supports BonitaSoft interacting with other systems.
You could of course look to use REST with Alfresco, but that is out of my league and would need some research from your side.
At the moment I use OpenKM which does have Bonita 6.x connectors and seems to work OK. I would like more interaction but what can you do?
Hope that sort of helps,
Thanks for your reply Sean McP,
Actually, I had installed Alfresco 5. so It did not work at all.
I reinstall Alfresco 4.2, but with my sample it didn´t work yet, with my Bonita 6.1.1.
Do you have any example that could help me please.
I´ve configure my connector like this
File to Upload:
String algo=apiAccessor.getProcessAPI().getDocumentAtProcessInstantiation(processInstanceId, “archivo_PDF”).getContentFileName();
File doc=new File(“C:/archivos/”+algo);
//Se crea una carpeta archivos en la unidad C: para que almacene temporalmente los archivos para posteriormente ser subidos
def byte myByte = apiAccessor.getProcessAPI().getDocumentContent(d.getContentStorageId());
doc.withOutputStream { s →
s << myByte
return doc.absolutePath;
Please help me!!!
In the end I couldn’t find any DMS system or connector that did what I wanted so I wrote my own code to use Postgres.
Storing documents there is easy and getting them out is quite easy as well.
Using my Postgres integration seemed to work regardless of what version of bonito or Postgres is in use (9.x.x) is required thought but that’s it…
This really works for me as well as all my business data is already stored in Postgres and I do not need another system (the DMS).
Maybe I could make this available as a connector… 
Hope this helps and best regards