Bonita BPM 7.0 new install with EMPTY Profiles


I have installed the last version according to the documentation using default H2 database without any problems.

When I repeated the installation but changing the database to MySql, I could have almost everything done. The profiles are empty! And as the community version does not permit the creation of profiles, I’m stuck.

My question: The h2 database is filled with initial data (users, profiles, etc). And what about Mysql and other, is it filled with initial data? Why my initial data is empty?

The log says:

2015-08-07 17:35:32.436 -0300 org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer initializeEngine
INFORMAÇÕES: Initializing Bonita Engine…
2015-08-07 17:35:32.437 -0300 org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer initializeEngine
INFORMAÇÕES: Initializing Spring context…
2015-08-07 17:35:40.847 -0300 org.hibernate.type.TypeFactory org.hibernate.type.TypeFactory$TypeScopeImpl injectSessionFactory
WARN: HHH000233: Scoping types to session factory org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl@1fe4630d after already scoped org.hibernate.internal.SessionFactoryImpl@4b22fad6
2015-08-07 17:35:43.393 -0300 org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer initializeEngine
INFORMAÇÕES: Initializing platform…
2015-08-07 17:35:43.394 -0300 org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer initPlatform
INFORMAÇÕES: Creating platform…
2015-08-07 17:35:44.099 -0300 org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper logExceptions
WARN: SQL Error: 1146, SQLState: 42S02
2015-08-07 17:35:44.099 -0300 org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.spi.SqlExceptionHelper logExceptions
ERROR: Table ‘bonita_journal.platform’ doesn’t exist
2015-08-07 17:36:26.388 -0300 org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer initializeEngine
INFORMAÇÕES: Platform initialized successfully.
2015-08-07 17:36:26.388 -0300 org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer startPlatform
INFORMAÇÕES: Starting platform…
2015-08-07 17:36:28.277 -0300 org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer startPlatform
INFORMAÇÕES: Platform started successfully
2015-08-07 17:36:28.278 -0300 org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer org.bonitasoft.engine.EngineInitializer initializeEngine
INFORMAÇÕES: Initialization of Bonita Engine done! ( took 55841ms)
2015-08-07 17:36:51.463 -0300 org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/bonita] org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFORMAÇÕES: RestletServlet: [Restlet] ServerServlet: component class is null

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Answer from elias.ricken worked for us!


I’m assuming you are using PORTAL BUNDLE here. It will NOT work if using Studio.

However you state: *My question: The h2 database is filled with initial data (users, profiles, etc). *

So maybe I’m wrong, but if this is happening then you are doing Studio and changing the database will not work.

When installing PORTAL BUNDLE (or simply PORTAL) the environment is empty by design. You have to build it from scratch.

So for example,

Download Bundle
Change to MySQL, or PostgreSQL, or to MS SQL etc.
Start Tomcat
Login with user install password install

You must import your own Organization before you do anything, and profile the users.

So do this
Select Organization, IMPORT/EXPORT
Import your organization

Then go to Organization->Profiles and assign your users to the necessary profiles.


I’m using the Portal Bundle (the Tomcat7 one). The point is that IMPORT/EXPORT Organization is not working because the “Profiles” are empty. And the Organization Xml does not deal with Profiles, but only users, groups and roles.

I believe the initial database construction should include the tables profile and profileentry.

To solve it, I consulted the H2 database (originally generated in the bundle) to check the data of these two tables. So after running the following inserts, I could solve get profiles and then import the Organization Xml:

insert into profile values (1,1,TRUE,'User','The user can view and perform tasks and can start a new case of a process.',1438889753633,-1,1438889753633,-1),(1,2,TRUE,'Administrator','The administrator can install a process, manage the organization, and handle some errors.',1438889753633,-1,1438889753633,-1);

insert into profileentry values
(1,1,1,‘Tasks’,‘Manage tasks’,0,0,‘link’,‘tasklistinguser’,FALSE),
(1,2,1,‘Cases’,‘Manage cases’,0,2,‘link’,‘caselistinguser’,FALSE),
(1,3,1,‘Processes’,‘Manage processes’,0,4,‘link’,‘processlistinguser’,FALSE),
(1,5,2,‘Tasks’,‘All tasks’,4,0,‘link’,‘tasklistingadmin’,FALSE),
(1,6,2,‘Cases’,‘All cases’,4,2,‘link’,‘caselistingadmin’,FALSE),
(1,7,2,‘Processes’,‘All processes’,4,4,‘link’,‘processlistingadmin’,FALSE),
(1,9,2,‘Users’,‘All users’,8,0,‘link’,‘userlistingadmin’,FALSE),
(1,10,2,‘Groups’,‘All groups’,8,2,‘link’,‘grouplistingadmin’,FALSE),
(1,11,2,‘Roles’,‘All roles’,8,4,‘link’,‘rolelistingadmin’,FALSE),
(1,12,2,‘Import / Export’,‘Import / Export an final organization’,8,6,‘link’,‘importexportorganization’,FALSE),
(1,13,2,‘Profiles’,‘All profiles’,8,8,‘link’,‘profilelisting’,FALSE),
(1,15,2,‘Applications’,’ Applications’,0,6,‘link’,‘applicationslistingadmin’,FALSE);

Understand, and thanks for the extra work in solving it.

I’ve created a Bug report for BonitaSoft so it will be resolved. The link is here:

I’ve also added a thanks there to you for your workin in identifying the issue (and its resolution here).

Thanks and regards


That’s a very strange behavior. I was not able to reproduce it: starting from Tomcat7 bundle, I’ve changed the database configuration to use MySQL and all profiles were correctly created.
Do you have the same result if you try to do a new installation from scratch?

Same as Elias here: I try to reproduce using Bonita BPM 7.0.2 Tomcat bundle configured to MySQL (using official documentation) but no success :frowning:

Can you please add to the issue any comment that might help to reproduce?

Also note that it is important that configuration is changed before any execution of the application server. If not Bonita home folder and database contents become out of sync.



a possible workaround is:

  • delete the file <BONITA_HOME>/engine-server/work/tenants/1/profiles.md5
  • restart your server


The answer from elias.ricken works for me.

Thank you.


I had the same issue changing the database to postgreSQL (for french speaking people see the topic
Impossible de s’identifier ?” )

I am using :

  • Bonita BPM Community 7.1.0 - deploy
  • Oracle JDK 1.8.0_60
  • Wildfly v9.0.1-Final
  • PostgreSQL v9.4.4
  • jdbc driver “postgresql-9.4-1203.jdbc41.jar”

I found a workaround stoping the postgres serveur, delete the postgres data folder, re-init it (using postgres command “initdb”) and relaunching it…

Perhaps it’s linked to the jdbc driver ? or java 8 ?.. not indentified yet…



I had the same issue with Tomcat Bundle 7.2.1 on Centos and postgresql 9.4. I solve it applying Elias’ workaround:
delete the file <BONITA_HOME>/engine-server/work/tenants/1/profiles.md5
restart your server

Thanks to Elias

Best regards,
Mauricio Molina

I had the same issue, the answer from elias.ricken worked for me too!!

delete the file <BONITA_HOME>/engine-server/work/tenants/1/profiles.md5 restart your server

Thank you.

Same issue with Bonita 7.2.3

Thanks Elias