Business Data doesn't Persists


I’ve installed a brand new instance of Bonita 7.0.1 (No Errors)
Launched Bonita

  • Except 1 Error : ERROR: Table “PLATFORM” not found; But I suppose it’s form DB table creation
    Created a brand new process. Start → Step1 → End
    Launch process => OK.

All Good.

I Added a Business Data which is initalized at process startup.
In Step1, I created a form with UI Designer to show my Business Data.

Launch Process => OK. But my Business Data aren’t initialized.
Re-launch process => Check in H2 database => The table Exists but no data inside.

Last Test :
I added A Step2 with the same contract, form and so on.
Start the process, No Data
Step1, No data, I filled the fields and Submit
H2 => no data
Step2, No data, I refilled the fields and Submit
H2 => no Data.

In the earlier versions, I declared, Initialized, and used the data without doing anything else.
What Did I miss ???
Please guide me to the right tuto or explain to me the best way to do that.


"Clean business data database on exit " => changed to unchecked
“Clean business data database on changes” => already unchecked

Start Process
H2=> Business Data Initialized
Step1 => Form Empty => Filled with “AAAA”
H2=> Business Data filled with initialization data
Step1 => Form Empty => Filled with “BBBB”
H2=> Business Data filled with initialization data
H2=> Business Data filled with initialization data

Bonita Log :
INFOS: THREAD_ID=56 | HOSTNAME=LFR003104 | TENANT_ID=1 | The user <walter.bates> has installed process in version <1.0> with id <7451077274979782425>
2015-07-10 10:48:13.424 +0100 org.bonitasoft.engine.api.impl.transaction.process.EnableProcess org.bonitasoft.engine.log.technical.TechnicalLoggerSLF4JImpl log
INFOS: THREAD_ID=56 | HOSTNAME=LFR003104 | TENANT_ID=1 | The user <walter.bates> has enabled process in version <1.0> with id <7451077274979782425>
2015-07-10 10:48:17.374 +0100 org.bonitasoft.engine.api.impl.ProcessStarter org.bonitasoft.engine.log.technical.TechnicalLoggerSLF4JImpl log
INFOS: THREAD_ID=65 | HOSTNAME=LFR003104 | TENANT_ID=1 | The user <walter.bates> has started the process instance <1002> of process in version <1.0> and id <7451077274979782425>
2015-07-10 10:48:59.000 +0100 org.bonitasoft.engine.api.impl.transaction.flownode.ExecuteFlowNode org.bonitasoft.engine.log.technical.TechnicalLoggerSLF4JImpl log
INFOS: THREAD_ID=62 | HOSTNAME=LFR003104 | TENANT_ID=1 | The user <walter.bates> has executed the task [name = <Étape1>, display name = <Étape1>, id = <20006>, parent process instance = <1002>, root process instance = <1002>, process definition = <7451077274979782425>] with task inputs: {testBusinessObject2={attribut2=AAAAAAAA, attribut1=AAAAAAAA}}
2015-07-10 10:49:13.690 +0100 org.bonitasoft.engine.api.impl.transaction.flownode.ExecuteFlowNode org.bonitasoft.engine.log.technical.TechnicalLoggerSLF4JImpl log
INFOS: THREAD_ID=60 | HOSTNAME=LFR003104 | TENANT_ID=1 | The user <walter.bates> has executed the task [name = <Étape2>, display name = <Étape2>, id = <20007>, parent process instance = <1002>, root process instance = <1002>, process definition = <7451077274979782425>] with task inputs: {testBusinessObject2={attribut2=BBBB, attribut1=BBBB}}

Any Idea ?

If you've ever managed a project and collected data from various sources, you've probably experienced this problem: "business data doesn't persist." It's not uncommon to have compiled a web service or another project that provides an API. Should you have get online dissertation help and learning more about education. When it finishes, most of the time nothing happens there's no sign that the output requested was completed.

In the Preferences menu, go to Database and unckeck “Clean business data database on exit / on changes”