Bonita Error: bai_QRAPII_1 - Can't find an instance with uuid

Dear Community,

I have a problem with one of my processes; see the error I get in the log:

SEVERE: exception while executing command org.ow2.bonita.facade.APIInterceptor$APIInterceptorCommand@59f69a27: Bonita Error: bai_QRAPII_1
Can’t find an instance with uuid process–2.0–8

Aug 5, 2014 12:11:25 PM org.bonitasoft.console.server.cases.CaseServlet getCase
SEVERE: Bonita Error: bai_QRAPII_1
Can’t find an instance with uuid process–2.0–8

Aug 5, 2014 12:11:29 PM org.bonitasoft.forms.server.HomepageServlet doGet

This happened overnight and I have no idea what could have triggered it. I hope one of you could help me with a solution.

Kind regards, Steven

Just for extra information the layout of the job; Job that produces the error

I made a new process but this also gives the same error: New process that produces same error

The first two warnings are about the automatic generation of the form… I guess not a problem?

Aug 06, 2014 8:33:45 AM org.bonitasoft.forms.server.api.impl.FormDefinitionAPIImpl getPageLayout
WARNING: No page template defined.
Aug 06, 2014 8:33:45 AM org.bonitasoft.forms.server.api.impl.FormDefinitionAPIImpl getFormPageLayout
WARNING: Using the default page template.
Aug 06, 2014 8:33:50 AM execute
SEVERE: exception while executing command org.ow2.bonita.facade.APIInterceptor$APIInterceptorCommand@2ced0c04: Bonita Error: bai_QRAPII_1
Can’t find an instance with uuid process–1.0–1

Aug 06, 2014 8:33:50 AM org.bonitasoft.console.server.cases.CaseServlet getCase
SEVERE: Bonita Error: bai_QRAPII_1
Can’t find an instance with uuid process–1.0–1

The process named “rpocess” is the process throwing the message event. Both pools are deployed (the sending and receiving one). The screenshot is of the process sending the message. Hope this helps finding an answer.

We will need some more details to try to help you.
Which version of Bonita do you use? Is this process 2.0 being called as a subprocess? Can you find a process named “process” with a version 2.0 in the list of deployed processes?

Hi Haris, the process is not called as a sub-process. When being started from the Talend Studio 5.4.1 (bonita 5.10) it works. But when installed on the tomcat TalendBPM server I get the above error. The process is installed as all other processes and is existing.

Cheers, Steven

Could it have to do with the process that receives the message?

Can you tell us if process named “process” is the target pool of your throw message event? Or is it the pool that is sending the message, on the screenshot?
When you are testing on your server, do you have both pools deployed (the one that sends and the one that receives the message)?