Error: Can't find an instance with uuid...


I’m using Bonita 5.10.1

I’m using the API Rest Bonita to execute a process from a external Java application. At development environment, it work fine, the web app connect with API and run the process.

Now, I have deployed at a production environment (using JBOSS), and all work fine too, except for one case. The process on Bonita is also launched through the API, but in some cases, I pick up some files from a share resource, and save it at process var doing the next:

String domain; NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication("",configuracion.getFileUser(), configuracion.getFilePass()); SmbFile smbFile; SmbFileInputStream smbfin; byte[] fileContent; domain = "smb:" + configuracion.getFileDomain() + notificacion.getCodigoNotificacion() + "/Registro/" + notificacion.getAdjuntosRegistro()[0];
	smbFile = new SmbFile(domain,auth);
	smbfin = new SmbFileInputStream(smbFile);
	fileContent = new byte[(int)smbFile.length()];;
	AccessorUtil.getRuntimeAPI().createDocumentOrAddDocumentVersion(processInstance.getProcessInstanceUUID(), "adjuntoRegistro1",  notificacion.getAdjuntosRegistro()[0], "",fileContent);

If I run the process on Bonita in isolation, the file gets collected successfully, but if I execute the process through the API from the Java web app, I caught the next exception:

Can't find an instance with uuid SMS_Gestion_de_notificacion_de_peligro_potencial--1.0--30

The error is located exactly when I use the UUID of the process instance in this line:

AccessorUtil.getRuntimeAPI().createDocumentOrAddDocumentVersion(processInstance.getProcessInstanceUUID(), "adjuntoRegistro1", notificacion.getAdjuntosRegistro()[0], "",fileContent);

Researching for this topic, I have detected something strange that I think is related. If I reinstall the process at Bonita User Experience, and run the process in isolation, the instances get a UUID starting at 1 (ProcessName–Version–1). However, If I run the process through the API, the UUID instance process start at the last number that was executed (ProcessName–Version–31). I think this may be the reason for not find the process instance with the UUID, but really this instance exists and is the instance fail.

¿Some help please?

