I am using Bonita Studio 7.0.2 and have the following problem. I successfully deploy over 400 processes. Some of the processes are using groovy scripts. As I've observed these are compiled and placed into a file called groovyscripts.jar under the process deployment directory. Sometimes we cannot release a new version of the process and want to replace only a single groovy script. I have created a small bash script which replaces the one particular groovy script in every groovyscript.jar file where it is located through the java jar utility. The workflow is like:
stop the server
run the script to replace the groovy script
run the server
However, when I execute again some process action I cannot see the changed behavior (tested also with just adding of a log output). Are these scripts cached somewhere? Or loaded from a different location? As far as I know, the classes should be loaded new after the JVM restarts. Thx.
I guess that you update the jar file located in for example: tomcat/server/temp/bonita_engine_14870@debamo3/platform/classloaders/local/PROCESS/7781335893667017515/23c77/ folder
But actually this file is a temporary file created based on data stored in Bonita Engine database.
If you run the following query:
you should find the content of the jar file in the "VALUE_" column. So you might want to try to update the data there and make sure you removed temporary data from the file system.
Note that this procedure is a workaround and it is not a designed feature of Bonita so I cannot guaranty that it will actually worked nor that it will be stable over new versions of Bonita.
Perfect. I knew that Bonita must have stored the content somewhere else. Thank you very much. This way it works like a charm. As far as I understood the link between the process and the dependency is the name, i.e. the format "<PROCESS_DEFINITION_ID>_groovyscripts.jar" so no foreign keys, but rather a convention. Can this table be overwritten at some point (other than the (re)deployment of a process) ?
Association between the process definition information (stored in PROCESS_DEFINITION table) and the Groovy script jar file (stored in DEPENDENCY table) is stored in DEPENDENCYMAPPING table. DEPENDENCYMAPPING as a ARTIFACTID column that store the process definition id as defined in PROCESSID column in PROCESS_DEFINITION table and a foreign key on the DEPENDENCY table in DEPENDENCYID column.
You cannot overwrite an existing process definition (with a specific version). You actually undeploy it and deploy it again. Or you can deploy a new version of a process definition. In both case the newly deployed process as a new process definition id and so the previous definition of the dependencies is not modified.
Bonitasoft empowers development teams with Bonita, the open-source and extensible platform to solve the most demanding process automation use cases. The Bonita platform accelerates delivery of complex applications with clear separation between capabilities for visual programming and for coding. Bonita integrates with existing solutions, orchestrates heterogeneous systems, and provides deep visibility into processes across the organization.