I have a following problem. I have about 200 processes and some 100 groovy scripts. Because the GroovyScript editor in BonitaStudio sucks, I am editing them in a different tool. From time to time (when changing a library for example) I just find/replace in the groovy scripts and proc files. But from some unknown reason, after these changes, when I build a BAR file of a process, the classpath directory does not contain the groovyscripts.jar anymore and thus the processes fail to run. Any subsequent call to build the BAR file or deploy the process will not contain the groovyscripts.jar file.
I have to add, that there is no notification about any error, no compilation issue, nothing in logs, everything generates successfully, but the groovyscripts.jar file is not contained.
I have debugged the Bonita Studio and find out the following: One of my Java classes got @Deprecated and it was used in the groovy scripts. Bonita Studio is checking if the status of the JAR generation of groovyscripts.jar is OK. But because the deprecated class has been imported in some of the groovy scripts, the returned status was not OK because it contained warnings.
Couple thinks which make me sad:
1.) There is no message or notification about this.
2.) Although usage of a deprecated class is a warning, I do not see any reason to not include the groovy scripts in the deployed process/generated BAR file.