Bonita runtime : apparently missing tomcat library for openSSL


I've downloaded the Bonita Community Runtime with Tomcat edition 2021.2 u0.

I've configured JAVA_HOME to jdk 11.0.13

The problem is when i start Bonita, i get an error :

The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows using OpenSSL was not found on the java.library.path

Then, the windows batch starts but stops before Bonita is started.

Could you help about that please ?

Thanks for your help

Best regards

Hello Romain,

Has stated in this documentation page you have to install an optional Tomcat Native Library to configure HTTPS properly. The documentation page is oriented toward unix system, but I believe you will have to do the same on your windows server.

This Apache website might be of some use:

Hope this helps,

Captain Bonita

The new version of this subject is here.


Thanks for your answer and your help.

The problem was I didn't stop correctly the program the first time I launched it then it was running more than once and it caused that error.

Now, I achieved to launch it.

Best regards