Bonita studio (7.5.0) creates faulty links for "Portal" and "UI Designer"

Hi All,

I just deployed Bonita BPM 7.5.0 on my CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core). Clicking on the “Portal” button in the Studio the URL generated is:
file:///download/http:/localhost:8080/bonita/loginservice%3Fusername=walter.bates&password=bpm&redirectUrl=portal%252Fhomepage%253F_l%253Den which of course cannot be retrieved. The same applies to the “UI Designer”, where the generated link is: file:///download/http:/localhost:8080/designer/%23/en/home
Does anyone of you know how to correct it?

Thanks in advance:

The issue was solved in cooperation with a specialist using the bug tracking system:

*> Issue actually lies in the underlying Eclipse logic to guess the system default web browser on Linux. Probably for most desktop environment it guess it correctly but it seems at least that this is not true on Mate.

Workaround is to manually configure the web browser that Bonita Studio will use by going in Edit → Preferences → Web → Browser.

Did you experience the same behavior with a previous version of Bonita?

Yes, absolutely. It was 7.4.3. Due to this behavior I reinstalled.

I still have the problem described above. It makes work with Studio very complicated.
Any idea?..

I have just reinstalled the whole Bonita Studio on my CentOS 7.3 node. The current installed version is 7.5.1. The problem still exists. Please provide at least some workaround otherwise it is not possible to work on that installation!