Bonitasoft as ERP system

I have gone through the documentations of Bonita and read a book about it. I have also watched almost all the tutorials offered by bonita on YouTube however the software limitations are not clear to me yet.

The company that I work for, a consultancy company, wants to use bonitasoft to manage its enterprise resources.

Examples of tasks that we want to implement :

  • Vacation planning for its employees (This a task so it is easy to implement with Bonita)
  • Finance management and generating bills. (This is not a task. I need to link a consultant to a contract and a client. Finally, generate a bill at the end of each month)
  • Manage how bonuses are attributed to different consultants. This depends on their performance. (Not a task)
  • Consultants should be able to see their history and how long they worked for a given client and how much money they have brought in.

I was not able to find any demo website made by bonita to see if people tried to build and ERP system based on bonitasoft. Is this possible?

I think that it should be possible to create a form and modify it using JavaScript to implement non task functionality however I am not sure if this is considered as hack and if other people are using bonita this way or not.

See this for how and when to use BPM…not strictly related to Bonitasoft but to BPM overall.

I also take you to task (pun intended) as follows:

- Vacation planning for its employees (This a task so it is easy to implement with Bonita)

Vacation Planning is not a task, it is a suite of tasks made up as follows:

  • Request Vacation
  • Approve Vacation
  • Reject Vacation
  • Reset Not-Used Vacation (when the vacation was approved but not used for various reasons)
  • Does Vacation require payroll to be involved? We used to pay people before vacation started at their request.
  • How do you handle illess when on vacation, shouldn’t be holiday.
  • Then you have conflict management, how do you do this? Can the manager go on holiday at the same time as his manager or can one employee go on holiday at the same time as another…

Vacation Planning is much more than a task…


- Finance management and generating bills. (This is not a task. I need to link a consultant to a contract and a client. Finally, generate a bill at the end of each month)

This to me is a task, but like Vacation Planning is something that can be broken down to many tasks.

- Manage how bonuses are attributed to different consultants. This depends on their performance. (Not a task)

Absolutely a task, and can be started by HR. The system then calculates everything and prints a report…done deal.

- Consultants should be able to see their history and how long they worked for a given client and how much money they have brought in.

This is an Application and not a task, it is information only.

Bonitasoft offers the ability to create Information Applications and BPM solutions, I would also refer to Bonitasoft Sales who will be able to help guide you in the right direction, but as a dedicated ERP system…not really sure.


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