I have been using Bonitasoft BPM 7.3.1 for about 7-8 months .
I have a basic understanding of Bonitasoft .
Most of the processes that I have developed are pretty simple in Logic .
Mostly Capture Data , Save them in Database and Display in various formats.
I understand the portal logic as in Assigning tasks , allocating task to a group, basic logic flows.
But I would Like to know what are the Various processes that other users have implemented for their companies.
What are the Various Processes that Bonita BPM could Improve Upon.
Any Specific Scenario where Bonita BPM provides the most efficiency .
Also What Kind of Logic implementation could be Performed apart from Mere capturing data and storing.
This is a near impossible question to answer as it is SO WIDE RANGING…
And the possibilities are endless. Depending on what you want to do with BPM.
Any process that goes step 1 to step 2 to step ad infinitum can be BPM’ed. Should it be? That’s a different question.
Which industry - All
Absolutely any process that requires regulatory control will benefit,
start->record->approve->record->implement->record->audit and repeat…
Here are just some examples:
HR: vacation Approvals
HR: pay increases Approvals
HR: new employee on-boarding Approvals and eduction
Stock Management: pretty much everything
Finance: Accounts receivable/payable
Finance: Management Accounts approval
Finance: Insurance claims processing
not the best of answers but something that highlights the extent to which it can be used.
In my case we use it for governance:
1,120 steps (high level) (excluding review and approval steps)
30 Roles (actors)
175 Metrics
400 documents
All linked into one full and cohesive application…
the flowchart for doing this is massive and complex. BPM is the only way we can get it to work, and change…
PS: As this reply offers an answer your question, and if you like it, please Mark UP and/or as Resolved.