BonitaStudio compatibility between two release

Hi everybody,

I'm currently using BonitaStudioCommunity-7.10.4 for modelling my processes. I made a .bos export to send it to my colleague that is using BonitaStudioCommunity-7.9 and she cannot open it.

I told her to download BonitaStudioCommunity-7.10.4, but she doesnt' have admin access on her laptop to download and install this release by herself.

Is there another way for me to save my processes in an another BonitaStudioCommunity format or version in order to share it with her ?

Many thanks for your help,




Hello Elie,

Currently, there is no way of going backwards. We are working on cross compatibility between maintenance (third digit) version for future release. Minor versions (second digit) introduce new features and cannot be backward compatible (you can only go up).

Maybe your colleague can use the zip archive instead of the installer. The installer request admin privileges to configure the firewall during the installation. This not the case with the zip archive.



Hi Romain,

Thanks for your reactivity and explanations.

I tried your solution dowloading the zip version from Bonita site :

Unfortunately, I got blocked by two things :

1) While choosing the downloading directory, I cannot select the C (Program Files) Directory, except for the C:\Users\user_ID directory

2) Even after downloading successfully and launching auto-extract "BonitaStudioCommunity.exe", I get a blocking message while launching "BonitaStudioCommunity.exe" program => "Java was started but returned exit code = 13"

I suppose that the problem is still due to a lack of admin privilege to install downloaded programs.

Do you think it could work if I try another solution like exporting my processes in .bpmn format instead of .bos ? Maybe my colleague could read it that way ?



Hello Romain,

Thanks for your post. I tried to follow your advice, installing JVM from on my own laptop VPN session.

I downloaded program "OpenJDK11U-jdk_x64_windows_hotspot_11.0.7_10.msi" on the D partition, but when trying to launch it, I got blocked again by lack of admin privilege => not allowed to install files on the C:\Users\User folder\ and cannot select the D partition for installing that kind of program.

Actually, the only workaround I have is to download the same Bonita version as my colleague (7.9.3), take back an old version of her processes and make update again.

Anyway, thank you for helping me trying to fix this issue and hope that a solution could be find in the future. The advice I can give, in my modest Bonita user experience is that there is a lot of new Bonita release which is a good thing for being agile and have new functionalities quickly. But it becomes complicated when you have newcomer in a distant team with different IT policy. Sometimes, these colleagues don't share the same Bonita release as you. Here starts the trouble when trying to model, update and share new processes with them.

I also noticed that before 7.10 Bonita release, we didn't have any admin privilege when installing 7.8 or 7.9 release for example. What happened in the meantime ?


I suppose that I am not the only one to tell you about that feedback. If so, I would be interested to have some feedback about the problems you experienced and the ways you fixed it.

Best regards and thanks again to the whole Bonita community for support,


I do not recommend using bpmn export/import as you will lose some Bonita specific information in the process.

The fact that you cannot unzip elsewhere than your USER folder when you are not an admin seems normal.

The zip archive does not come with an embedded Java Runtime (the installer does). The error you get look like an invalid java installation. You need a JRE 1.8 or JRE 11 in 64 bits to run Bonita.

Have a look here to install the proper JVM

