I’m a brand new user and I’m trying to figure out if we can use Bonitasoft as a repository for data as well as for the BPM functionality. We want to use it to track field visits and all the data that’s collected and build business processes into the system. s
Bonita is just the orchestrator and you can easily connect it to a RDBMS (Relational DataBase Management System) such as PostreSQL. For test purposes only, Bonita comes by default with an embedded H2 RDBMS.
More info: Database configuration | Bonita Documentation
I made this video with a brief explanation on how to configure a PostreSQL Docker image.
Hope this helps.
Thank you, Thalia! Our actual data needs are quite low. Is it possible to just use the H2 database in production? If not, do you have a recommendation for a very simple cloud database option?