Can we store form variables to default H2 database in 7.0.3 community ?

I am creating the two radio buttons (Yes/No) in my form and i am checking wheather the given condition is yes or no. If i select yes, the yes want to store in the H2 database or if I select on NO, this also should store on database. Can anyone please help me.

You should return the selected value and then save the result into a process variable. The value will then be saved with the Case.


No, I would like to help but I am not at a terminal that will help…

This is where you have to follow the Getting Started guide if you don’t know how to do it.

  1. You need to Create your BDM, yes even for a single piece of data to be returned
  2. Then you need to create your contract, this is the interface from your Form to the BDM.
  3. Then you need to create your form,
  4. Then you create your Output Operation to save the value to a process variable.
  5. Done

Come back if you have problems having done all the above…


Can you please provide me the sample code?

Error Incorrect zip structure to import Ui Designer, Please Help!

Error Incorrect zip structure to import Ui Designer, Please Help!


You want help but you don’t describe what you’ve done or anything?

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Where does the error occur?

When does the error occur?

then we will get to why does the error occur and how to fix it…
