Is there any possibility to store the form variables into the h2 database?

I have a UI form and I have created a radio button with two values. Is there any possibility that the two values are stored into the default H2 database? Will you please help me with this.

You could define an object in your BDM and then use an External API variable in the UI Designer to set the values from the relevant business object. However, this only really makes sense if the radio button labels are business data and change from case to case.
In the development environment, business data is stored in the Studio’s default H2 database. However, this is not supported for production.


Thank you for your reply. I have another question. I have used a link widget in the UI form where I have provided the http link in the target url field. When I click on the link in the form, the document is opening in the same window, but I want it to open in new window or another tab. Will you please help me with this.

I will take Christine’s statement a little further and say - you should not save any data to the default H2 Database.

Why would you want to?

You can of course create your own H2 Database and use that as an external database like any other, but again, why would you want to when the third party option (mySQL, Postgresql etc.) is so much better.
