Cannot create BDM from Studio 2023.1

Version: Bonita 2023.1

After installing Bonita Studio the day before. I've created a project and when I try creating a BDM: New > BDM, I get a pop-up indicating an error when creating the BDM. I cannot access the BDM editor. Logs indicate: Failed to execute Bonita-project-maven-plug-in


During this problem, we finally saw that there was a proxy configured on the network that we were using. Bonita requires an internet connection to retrieve the maven dependencies. The proxy can be configured on Preferences > Maven. If however, you don not have the necessary information to configure the proxy, try using another network.

After this, delete the following folders and launch Bonita Studio again for a fresh start: 

  • USER_HOME/.m2/repository
  • STUDIO_INSTALL_FOLDER/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/