I’m new to learning the latest version of Bonita. I currently have version 6.3.2 which I’m aware is very old. For that reason, I’m attempting to learn a newer version of the tool. I’ve downloaded the community version of Bonita Studio 2023.2. When the tool loads, I get this error.
I’ve found Configure Maven from Bonita Studio | Bonita Documentation article which details configuring Maven but I do not understand what’s needed to add a repository, server, proxy, mirror. My understanding is that I need to configure Maven in order to use the Bonita Marketplace extensions like the Email connector. Is my understanding correct?
What details are needed to add a Maven repository so I can use the extensions?
Hi @micheledubose
Bonita Studio uses Maven to retrieve all the dependencies it requieres. Normally you do not need to configure anything as it will do it all by itself. The message indicates that it was not able to connect to Maven Central.
Does your current connection uses a proxy? If that’s the case, then you should configure the proxy on Bonita Studio, this can explain why it is unable to connect directly.
If you’re not sure, you might simply try on another connection where you’re sure you’re not using a proxy.
Hope this helps.
I think Maven Central is blocked from my organization’s firewall. I’ve confirmed this by not connecting to my organization’s network and was able to connect to Maven Central. How can I exclude Maven Central from my organization’s firewall or antivirus settings?
You should check that with your organization’s network administrator.
Maven Central is used by a wide variety of software based on Java, it is not something specific to Bonita. However you can configure Bonita to be able to connect according to your network configuration, for example, a proxy. This is why I’d recommend to contact your network administrator.
Can you point me to a reference on how to configure a proxy in Bonita?
Hey @micheledubose
Inside Bonita Studio go to Preferences, then under Web select Proxy.
That being said, as specified in this other post, if you contact your network admin you may request to grant access to maven central: Maven repo
Hope this helps!