Excuse my newbiness with that tools, but I've just cloned a Connector from your github alibaba cavern and tried to build it with Maven as i was looking for a little bit of fun before I go home.
It seems i'm missing a fragment in my maven settings. May it be the repository fragment ?
What I get when i mvn install:install is
org.apache.maven.reactor.MavenExecutionException: Cannot find parent: org.bonitasoft.connectors:bonita-connectors for project: null:bonita-connector-ldap:pom:null for project null:bonita-connector-ldap:pom:null
As you can see I was trying to use the ldap connector, but if you could give a kickstart on how to get an efficient usage of the sources whatever the final purpose is I think it should be usefull, at least for me.
Thank you!