Dear Community,
I know that even though it is very easy now to add a language to Bonita BPM Portal, it is still not quite as easy in Bonita BPM Studio. As I am working on that point, I first needed create a script to build Bonita BPM from source files. As you may already know, sources of Bonita BPM Community Edition are available on GitHub.
Browse sources
Browsing repository by repository, you can find Bonita Engine, Portal and Studio, as well as all connector sources. You can also use Git Tags in GitHub repositories to find different versions of the code we use to build Bonitasoft BPM binaries. You will also need the Target Sources: this is an archive of dependencies to ensure that you will have the same versions as the Bonitasoft R&D team to build our software.
Using these sources and the doc page about building Bonita 6.1.0, it took me some time, but I succeded in writing a script for Linux that will get all the dependencies from maven, sources from GitHub, and more. And of course, it will build Bonita BPM Engine, Portal and Studio for you. Note that the script builds the "All in one" version of Bonita BPM 6.2.1, which works on all systems with Java installed. This build does not provides specific installers.
I am pleased to share the result of my work with you.
The script is already available as a Project on Bonita Community website, and of course, I created a repository on our Community Github so it is easy for everyone to fork it if necessary. At the moment, the version available is for 6.2.1, so I created a 6.2.1 Tag for it. I will do my best to maintain this script when new versions are released.
Our code is open, so feel free to:
- fork
- test
- provide pull requests
- and any feedback
Have fun with Bonita!