I'm using Bonita Community Edition, Version : 2021.1. I have a process A and a call activity that calls process B. Process B receives an input contract (errorInput) with the following structure, based on a bussines variables called "Error":
errorInput (COMPLEX type)
idError (String)
nombreError (String)
tipo (String)
destinatarios (List of String)
ruta (String)
Process A has in its contract (registroInput) some of this data, when I try to define the data to send to the call activity from process A (Execution -> Data to Send, with the "Assigned to Contract Input" option) I have the following on a groovy script in the "Data from root process" side:
def errorVar = new com.company.model.Error()
errorVar .idError = "7"
errorVar .nombreError= "Notificar a usuario nuevo creación de cuenta"
errorVar .tipo = "A"
errorVar .destinatarios = registroInput?.destinatarios
errorVar .ruta = ""
return errorVar
And in the "Data in called process" side I have:
When executing the process I get the error:
Caused by: org.bonitasoft.engine.core.process.instance.api.exceptions.SContractViolationException: Error while validating expected inputs: com.company.model.Error@137f8b1a cannot be assigned to COMPLEX type
I have tried returning a JSON, String, even the same object directly as a variable on process A, also tried "Assigned to Data" option, but still get the same error with some variations.
Really appreciate the help!
Solange Silva