Hi to All,
I’m having difficulties in consuming method processAPI.executeUserTask(long userTaskInstanceId, Map<String,Serializable> inputs) via bonita java API.
I just can’t format Serializable object/value for Map<String,Serializable> in a right way. I always get exception “cannot be assigned to COMPLEX type”
org.bonitasoft.engine.bpm.contract.ContractViolationException: USERNAME=walter.bates | Error while validating expected inputs: [[{attributeName: “aaaaaaaa”, attributeValue: “bbbbbbbbb”}] cannot be assigned to COMPLEX type]
I have tried various JSON forms, but always i get the same message. Contract(input) is expecting object lookup with attributes: attributeName, attributeValue.
I would be grateful if someone can post link to example of using executeUserTask method or how to invoke it properly, or even better to post here short code sample.