I have a Node.js API which I'm trying to communicate with Bonitasoft via Axios, I can login and get the processes that the logged user can instantiate, no problem there. But when I want to instantiate a process I'm getting 401 code, I'm passing the bonita token in the header as:
X-Bonita-API-Token: Token value from login
Also tried sending the cookie header as:
Cookie: bonita.tenant=1; SameSite=Lax,JSESSIONID=JSSSIONID form login; Path=/bonita; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax,X-Bonita-API-Token=Token value from login; Path=/bonita; SameSite=Lax,BOS_Locale=es; Path=/; SameSite=Lax
But I still get the 401 error, the user can instantiate the process, he is the initiator of it, and I can do it on the bonita portal, but can't get it working with axios.
How can I achieve this?