Change Actors Dynamically


I want to define a group of actors in the current task to be candidates of the next task. I see that it is possible using actor filters. Can someone help me with this implementation?

P.S. I use Bonita Community 7.10.3 and the access is via Engine API.



Bom dia Diana,

I believe that if you read this tutorial blog post about tasks assignment and actors you should have your solution. Otherwise feel free to comment my answer to give more details on your use case.

Hello Diana,

You say "I want to define a group of actors in the current task to be candidates of the next task". I am not sure how to understand this sentence: either you want the same "group of users" to be candidates for the next task, and in that case you just need to declare the same actor in the definition of the user task, or you want the one person that DID execute the previous task to be the only candidate for the next task, and in that case you just need to define an actor filter on the second task that is the one we provide and which is called "same-task-user".

If none of those solutions suit you, you can implement your own actor filter. From there, you will be able to access any Engine APIs to select precisely the list of users that will be candidates to your task.

Have you read our official documentation on how to implement your own actor filter ( ?




I will see the toturial, Thanks for your help!


the example that you post is just for set actor filter to one user. I want to set the actor filter to multiple candidates. It is possible?

What i want is: in "Task A" say that "Group C (with userA, userB and userC)" is the candidates of next tast ("Task B"). Independently of what I define in the modelling.

When i creating my own filters, can I use bonita studio or it is necessary create a java project? For that implementation what dependencies I need ?





You can, and should, use the studio to develop your own Actor Filters :-) !

Simply go to Development menu, Actor Filters...,

Create a new Actor Filter Definition = the empty shell that defines the inputs of your Actor Filter

Create a new Actor Filter Implementation = the actual java implementation of the definition you just declared.

Then you can use it by choosing it instead of an Actor, in the Lane / Task properties

Configure your process by choosing which implementation to use for each definition your process uses (Environment configuration settings)

Note: the implementation is pure Java code, so you can access the whole power of Bonita APIs to match your funtional needs.

