I’ll be blunt as no-one else will be…if your supervisor knows about security and doesn’t know about Actors, Groups and Roles etc then they need to read a bit more.
Bonita 6/7 security is built on the same security model as that used by Active Directory, if you are using that in house then, then user, operational unit and roles etc will be familiar. This is what Bonita 6/7 security is designed on.
Bonita 5 security is nothing like Bonita 6/7 security and has been completely rewritten from ground up. Actors, Groups and Roles didn’t even exist in version 5…that is why you probably had to write your own tables - to implement an Actor, Group, Role function. this is now inbuilt.
I would urge you to get them to review and understand the new security mechanisms first before changing anything within BonitaSoft…
If they are security minded then I would also challenge them on the fact that their Change Management is not up to scratch and that the documentation should be available in house to confirm what you want to do. If they scoped and designed the solution then there has to be documentation for it somewhere…if not then i would ask security why not… :0 The thought of challenging security…oh dear.
Please feel free to share my thoughts by printing this exchange with them. this way you don’t get the blame and I do.
Right them, from what you’ve said…you want to change the database as per the post you’ve identified.
Like I said before:
If you are installing Studio. NOT POSSIBLE to change the database. Yes that’s in capitals for a reason. It is not possible to change the Studio database. However you can use an external database for your business data…
If you are talking about a Tomcat/JBoss Portal Bundle then you can do this by following the instructions here:
These instructions work and work well as I’ve done it many times.
You can also use this database for your Business data too!
However. If these are process tables and you are not actually changing the login method etc. then they are simply business data tables and you do not need to change the database at all, and you can run he system against Studio or the Tomcat Bundle (production).Just install a separate database and use it to run your connectors against.
This is what I have:
For Development:
x Studio workstations
1 test database = mySQL
1 test database = PostgresQL
All my personal (BUSINESS) tables go into either (or both if my testing requires I test mySQL and PostgreSQL databases).
In my process I read a file that says useMySQL or usePostgreSQL and it reads the appropriate database with the right SQL, I’m trying to get Hibernate working for ease of use…
In production I have:
1 x Tomcat bundle (usually based on PostgreSQL in my case for Bonita)
1 production database = whatever I need
I transfer the tables from Devel to Prod and then transfer the process…
Everything works.
But seriously I don’t understand what security want that the current (new) security system can’t already do. People, Roles and Responsibilities…all covered.
If Security want to reply, no problem, I’ll try to help. But v5 is very different from 6. They need to understand that and using Actor, and Actor Filters is a much easier method of implementing what they had (conflict tables and self built rules).
We saw that with the Travel Request example previously given…once you set the correct actors for a task then that’s it. No need to change anything. Just assign people to that Actor and viola, everything in order.