[Resolved] Why server in bonita studio doen't care of database configuration ?


I wanted to change database h2 to mysql. I’ve done all changes that this documentation Database configuration specify.
When I start Bonita studio, I saw in the server log that it connect to the new mysql database (allright) but it try to continue use the script h2 to create the database tables since I’ve a error script SQL. An when I visualize the job tomcat start in the JVM for the studio, the environment variable -Dsysprop.bonita.db.vendor for JVM arduments and System properties is still h2 !!! It’s like the serrver starting doesn’t care of the setenv.bat script… Why ?

Thanks for response.

I hope you’ve saved or taken a copy of everything before you did this…

Despite what the documentation says (Community) changing the database for Studio is NOT supported.

You can only use the inbuilt H2 for Studio, why this is I don’t know.

For the Community production style Portal Bundle(s) it is possible to change the database.


Hi Sean,

Thanks for your response. That’s what I was thinking…
I’ll try to revert all my changes.