changing default layout in bonita community 7.3

Hi, I’m new in bonita bpm and I want to know how to change default layout in the look’n feel application. Please help :'(.

First things first,

You can’t change the colours of Studio, it’s been tried and the effort is too much to worry about it.

For Portal you can follow the instructions here:

NOTE: this is for 6.3.x and should work with 7.x.x also.

HOWEVER, I know Bonitasoft are changing things and it may not work with all the latest or future versions.


PS: As this reply answers your question, please mark as resolved by ticking the tick mark on the left of this reply.

I’m also looking for a solution to this question.
In my custom applications, I want to have the same header as the portal (at least a logout button) but I don’t know if it’s possible in Community Edition.

I’ve seen this documentation page which explains how to create a custom layout from the default layout but this procedure is not for Community Edition.

I know that we can’t manage different layouts in Community Edition. However, is it possible to customize the default layout ? How ?
Moreover, the documentation says that it is possible to create customised layout with, for example, a login box or a side menu. But it doesn’t explain at all how to do that. Where can I find examples of layout ?

This is an example only, you have to do your work to figure out how to do what you want…

Open Folder

{Your Directory}\workspace\tomcat\webapps\bonita\WEB-INF\classes

Copy and Save a copy of as a backup, I used as the saved file name. Keeps it in place and I know what it is.

Extract the file

Open the bonita-default-layout/resources folder

Edit the index.html file, in this example I will add one line to the layout:

AFTER the line (which comes after the line) add

This is my Modified index.html page

Save the file and exit the editor.

Select all files and zip to, note you must zip correctly or it will not work.

Now copy this new zip file to {Your Directory}\workspace\tomcat\webapps\bonita\WEB-INF\classes replacing the previous version.

Restart the server, yes you must do this.

Now open your application page again…

Ye ha!! You should now see your applicaiton page layout with the line “This is my Modified index.html page” at the top.

Now this may change, but you need to do your research to make the default work the way you want.

As part of giving back, can I ask that anything of interest you find in developing your own layout you publish here to allow others the same capability?

Like hoizontal to vertical etc… :slight_smile:


PS: As this reply answers your question, please mark as resolved by ticking the tick mark on the left of this reply.

Thanks for this answer.
I tried to do this yesterday but I’ve modified ./resources/page.json file instead of index.html so it didn’t changed anything. Modifying index.html file works well.

I don’t know if I’m going to work on that during the next days but I’ll let you know if I manage to do something interesting for the community.
