how to apply new layout

I’ve uploaded layout resource file in resources menu,
now i want to apply it to my hole portal.
According to Documents now i should select it from management menu,but there is no management menu in administrator user.
i am using bonita 7.3 free edition

Layouts are only applicable to Subscription Editions of the software, you cannot use them with Community (free) Edition.


PS: While I understand this may not be the answer you are looking for it does answer your question, please mark as resolved by ticking the tick mark on the left of this reply so others now it is closed.

no idea about this problem?

For my knowledge you can’t change the layout in Community editions, its one of the features in subscription edition.

thank you
Can i change layout by change database or bonita sources files?

Well, it is possible. In database you have table “theme”, with columns “content” and “csscontent”.
In “content” column the whole portal is stored (as zip file).
In “csscontent” the global css file is stored (as text file).
You can export them, modify as needed and import back to database.

Best regards,

thank you
I changed my database field
but after restart jbos server changes didn’t not effected to portal.
even id changed “lastupdatetime” field in db. but nothing changed

What did you actually do?

From my understanding you have to:

  1. Make sure you have a backup copy of the DB!
  2. Download the Zip and TXT files from columns (Blobs) “content” and “csscontent”.
  3. Unzip the files
  4. Make the necessary changes (see note below and links)
  5. Zip the files (make sure you do this right to preserve the directory structure)
  6. Update the existing record with the new Zip files


NOTE re changing the colour etc.

See the following posts which will help: