Hi Everyone,
I wonder if someone can shed some light on how to satisfy a requirement I have. I have the completion of a large form as one of the tasks in my process. I should point out that this is not the form used to initiate the process. The contents of the form are entered over a period of time as the information becomes available i.e. elaborated. I would like to have the option to incrementally save the data in the form by clicking a button. Once the form is competed it will be submitted and the process move to the next task.
Does anyone know how to do this so that the integrity of the bdo and process is maintained? Are there any examples of the code required to do this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello, there is actually a cool feature in the Enterprise edition, it is a widget button that save the current form in the "LocalStorage" of the browser. An article is talking about it. (see https://community.bonitasoft.com/blog/how-use-save-draft-feature-properly-your-forms)
Maybe it can help you to implement a custom widget from the community widget button?
Else you could design your process with a loop on task1 until contract submitted with "Submit=true",
in the "formTask1", you would have 2 buttons:
- One "Save" button that send the contract with "Submit=false",
- One "Submit" button that send the contract with "Submit=True"
hope this helps,
FYI the "save button" (aka "save form") widget is available as well on Community Edition since Bonita 2021.1!
found a solution to your problem? Could you share?