Dear Community Administrators,

While we don’t necessarily like to be asked for more information to post than necessary - the recent spate of Chinese posts to the website tells me know that it is about time to secure the community site a little better.

It will stop all these posts which are extremely annoying.

Many thanks and apologies to those that don’t like them, but I would rather have a clean site than not.



Yes, of course I understand, and we are very frustrated too.

The fact is that we have a double validation by email or captcha, when creating a new account (“sign in”).

We already have spam fighting solutions on Community website. We use in combination with some spam plugins, plus specific rules at sign in. It is in production on all our Drupal websites (including Community) since march 2014, and it was very efficient until recently.

We are working on an improvement, it is going to be tested this week. Part of it is to be able to identify if the spam is done by bots, or humans.

We really hope that it will solve the issue.


I approve. All this spam is annoying.

I was looking for an answer for my problem when I stumbled upon an answer about pregnancy haha.

But seriously, I think these Chinese are doing the same thing they did to vote up applications in the smartphones stores… with humans employed for spamming…

We are currently adding in production:

  • a way to avoid flood, displaying a captcha to users posting too much questions in a short period of time
  • a honey pot, in order to identify bots and humans
  • and we will soon filter text written with asiatic characters (regex)

By the way, we are working on a Drupal distribution based on the work done for this Community website. It will have a “report” button on contents, and many interesting feature. We will upgrade the website when this is ready :wink:

thanks, just testing out the captcha

It works :slight_smile: