I installed the application as described in the documentation and have two issues, or misunderstandings.
The first is that I am not able to login to the portal with the platformAdmin account, but I can with the tenantAdmin account. I followed the directions for changing platformAdminUsername and
platformAdminPassword in …/engine-server/conf/platform/bonita-platform-community-custom.properties.
The second is when I login to the portal with the tenentAdmin account to create a user there are no profiles defined in Organization->Profiles. My understanding is that profiles are not configurable in the community edition and that the Administration and User profiles are standard.
Thank You
First things first, you don’t sign-in with either of those accounts with Community, change the passwords definitely, but they are not used for signing in. This is not very clear in the documentation.
You should use the install account password is install as the technical user and then you will be able to define your own administrator.
Hope that helps,
PS: If this post solves your question, please mark as Resolved.
This clairified the platformAdmin and TenentAdmin issues for me. Dumping the database and setting max_allowed_packet for MySQL before reinstalling fixed the missing profile issue.
The method for changing the technical user name and password is missing from the documentation.