Help With First Steps after Setup

Dear all,

I have just installed Bonitasoft Community 7.3 and am now in the instructions found here. According to the instructions, the default login for the platform administrator is user: platformAdmin, password: platform.
Additionally, the default login for tenant administrator is user: install, password: install. However when I fire up the portal, I can only log in as the tenant administrator, whereas if I try log in as platform administrator, I get the message “Unable to log in. Please check your username and password.”

The first few lines of my file look like:;

##Bonita platform core configuration # ## Platform administrator #platformAdminUsername=platformAdmin #platformAdminPassword=platform

And the first few lines of my file:

## Bonita Tenant server core configuration #userName=install #userPassword=install
I have also tried changing the tenant userName and userPassword, uncommenting (am assuming the single # means the line is commented? so I remove this # and alter the values of username and pw for tenant), however even after restarting tomcat, the only userName and userPassword accepted by the portal is “install”, “install”, the default values. And the platform adminisrator just never manages to log in.

Any help in shedding light on this is greatly appreciated,

Hi Tumaini,

First the difference between the platform administrator and the tenant technical user is the following:

  • The platform administrator can perform operations as platform level like create tenants. However this account can’t login into a tenant, which explain why these credentials won’t work on the portal login page.
  • The tenant technical user is the super account to perform tenant operations. This account can login into the portal.

In order to modify the tenant technical user, you have to modify both the files and and provide the same values for the credentials. To modify the configuration in 7.3, you should take a look to this documentation as it changes compared to the previous versions.


With all respect, please don’t take this wrong, I was there once also so I speak with authority.

Not knowing that # is a comment really does say how new you are to this and all other tasks that you’ll be facing.

First to answer the immediate question what is platformAdmin.

platformAdmin as implied by the statement This password is used for platform-level administration tasks, such as creating a tenant is for managing tenants. And as Community has only one tenant it is therefore irrelevant to the Community Edition.

You should know that there are only a few hooks and pieces of code that actually separate Community from Subscription therefore it will always be possible to find things that are not available in various editions.

Creating * Process Documentation * seems to be a favorite for getting it wrong, it’s not available in Community.

However I notice with 7.3 documentaion that Bonitasoft have improved the visibility of what is available where (compared to the previous documentation). But as you’ve found, it’s not always clear.

You should however change the install|install user and password as with all primary systems. It’s similar to the old Windows Administrator|Administrator user and password. Anyone that knows it can get in and wreck complete havoc. You should really only do this with the Portal version (production) doing it with Studio is quite superfluous, as if someone manages to get into your machine and wreck havoc I think you would have much bigger things to think about.

Make sure you read the following and understand them first, it will help before getting to the Getting Started Tutorial.

Looking forward to answering many more questions:


PS: If this reply answers your question, please mark as resolved.

Thanks Sean for your response. Yes am new to programming, but the reason the commenting confused me is because of lines like this:

`## Bonita Tenant server core configuration
## Business data configuration
##Cron jobs configuration`

Where there are certain lines which do NOT start with # even though they are a continuation of a previous line which IS commented. This confused me as I it looks like multiline commenting even though I thought we cannot have multiline commenting in java property files.